Recent content by LordHackerz

  1. LordHackerz

    hello the Underworld

    Ohh nooo to bad... I'm so sad to heard that. Maybe it's possible to buy it ?
  2. LordHackerz

    Backers and Beta Backers

    Hi all, I just write a post on the presentation forum. I bought the game for the worker contribution and now i wonder why i not receive à mail or something with the origami ? :D And i will see if my badge is correct ;)
  3. LordHackerz

    hello the Underworld

    Hi from France ;) I'm Luc a 26 years old French developper. I found this game just few days ago. This is the first real game with ants ? Isn't it ? I realy like the job you do ;) Ps: i have just one question. I just buy from itch the game and i receive the backer demo link its all right :)...