Recent content by Wario2

  1. W

    Wolf spider

    No thank you for great game since Sim ant
  2. W

    Wolf spider
  3. W

    Wolf spider

    Hey the wolf spider is bugged in like 2 of the missions they come out in, after the first challenge you play as Forska/ Wood ants and the wolf spiders cant be harvested or some of them, as the litter the place whit their dead bodies and the workers just don't see them as food but their dead...
  4. W

    (Window) Dumb workers

    You may be right but i know why the walk in to the web because the is food under the web
  5. W

    wolf spider

    I have the same problem the beach map I was playing for long while and the did not harvest the Wolf spiders, i hade so many wolf spiders in my nest that the blocked the way out and i hade my ants on harvest and even the ants that are workers and spawn by the queen ignored them too and they are...