Finally Aggrandise Insane Victory!


Extremely Helpful Person

It takes an extremely long time to beat this level on insane. A bit of RNG too with your battles. I shouldn't have screen recorded this from the beginning of the run, since I ran out of disk space and had to delete the video I recorded of the beginning of the level. I might replay it to get a better recording. Also made a little mistake in this run, it's best to leave the 3 adult wolf spiders alone, it's not possible to profit off of that (I lost about 120 food overall to them). I had 820 food, and went for the main objective. I used my 7 queen workers to lure one of the medium whip spiders away and demolished it, and after that, I lured the adult whip spider away from the other medium one with 7 workers, which is how I got him to very low health. As I said, I might replay it to record that and more of the level.

Edit: I did another successful run of the level, and recorded it in four 25 min videos. Deleted this old clip, and I'll upload the new video series in a playlist later.
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Geeze. I can't even imagine. I have trouble doing the Story Levels on Insane, lol. How did you even manage?


Congratulations Buffalo! Interesting strategy here, I tried to go this build in the start but failed miserably before switching up strategies and never reverting back to it once I understood the flow of the game. Seems to be the most effective strategy still to prefer workers over soldiers and go mass ranged. I like it.