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  1. TurtleDuDe48

    Enemy Encyclopedia

    Pikmin and Pikmin 2 were large influences on my childhood so it's no suprise why I gravitated towards EotU. One cool feature that the Pikmin franchise added in the second installment of the series (and later in the switch re-release of Pikmin 3 and the 3ds spin off "Hey Pikmin!") was the...
  2. TurtleDuDe48

    Help please!

    Could someone tell me what species of ant this is? I’ve done some research on ant keeping and managed to catch an queen ant, who after a few days, laid some eggs which later hatched, and I really want to know what species it is, so I can provide for it better. Here are some images of the ant...
  3. TurtleDuDe48

    Evolution Game

    this is planet x: a planet the size of earth, once breaming of life. however, recently a massive extinction event has occurred, which has wiped out all of the complex life. to the point where only primitive unicellular life has managed to survive This is creature 1b: Picture: Description...
  4. TurtleDuDe48

    idea for a new ant species

    polyrhachis sokolova. similarly to the fire ant (solenopsis) polyrhachis sokolova are able to survive in water, however unlike fire ants, these ants are capable of swimming and walking on water. they typically nest within mangrove swamps, which i personally believe would be a cool location to...
  5. TurtleDuDe48

    diffrent attack types

    when you're underground. you will rarely have the element of suprise. once you destroy some territory of an enemy. their whole base opens up, and they begin to pursue the queen. what if it wasnt like this, what if you were able to run away, without the enemys pursueing the queen. maybe even...
  6. TurtleDuDe48

    fictional termite species and insect almanac

    Isoptera kataktitis Gene Stealer termite Another insect which has been genetically modified by the scientists. Similarly to the formica ereptor. They are able to spin polymorphic DNA into their young. Resulting in soldiers and workers that exhibit the traits of their foes. Standard workers of...
  7. TurtleDuDe48

    Question: what are all the ant species we can control as the ereptor queen

    currently in game we have 3 ant species to command but what more is there? we know that the slug disco team is probably (maybe) implementing leaf-cutter ants, bullet ants, honeypot ants, carpenter ants, fire ants and slavemaker ants but what more is there?