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  1. SanyaSaw

    Having a renewable safe source of food

    When will the update?
  2. SanyaSaw

    Early Access Starts 1st December

    When will the update?
  3. SanyaSaw

    0.1142 Change Log

    When will the update?
  4. SanyaSaw

    Things We Want

    When will the update ??? About? :o
  5. SanyaSaw

    Things We Want

    Things we want ??? I just want the development team to grow up to at least 20 people, because the most important thing is to reach someone: work in a team ??? ;D After all, if the team increases at least to 20 people, then the game will increase much, in addition, the response to questions in...
  6. SanyaSaw

    Functionality and singularity

    Will the colony of artificial intelligence be attacked by the player?
  7. SanyaSaw

    Functionality and singularity

    About the fifth point, I just threw the idea ::)
  8. SanyaSaw

    Functionality and singularity

    1) What kind of translation into Russian, Polish, etc languages ​​can make sense !? Since on YouTube there are broadcasts of this game. 7) I did not mean the source of food! I had in mind the building material as a separate resource, a separate warehouse for it, so that it could be built from...
  9. SanyaSaw

    Functionality and singularity

    Hello! I started the topic "Functionality and singularity" and I would like to discuss what is lacking in "Empires of the Undergrowth": 1) Few languages ​​for the game, because of this, many players play blindly and do not understand what to do here, delete the game. 2) There is no editor ...