Allied Colony Does Not Collect Starting Food


Upon further investigation, this is linked to other problems I have been having. The allied colony has its markers on timers, leading to it not collecting the resources it needs.


Staff member
Developer of EotU
On harder difficulties the allied colony moves on faster, so will attack its next target or tunnel something else out. This could defiantly lead to it not bothering to gather its obvious food. I will have a look but I advise you pop in to there nest and grab it, you would make better use of it anyway!


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
I will have a look but I advise you pop in to there nest and grab it, you would make better use of it anyway!
Actually the player needs the ally to not run out of food so that the ally can buy enough time for the player to react and assist the ally where needed. If the allied ants run out the player can't defend them properly, as their melee ants reinforce too slowly.


Staff member
Developer of EotU
Thinking about it they turn food gather off when they try and defend the player. Humm I will have a look into this in harder difficulties try and give it more time in the initial gathering