Ants moving to bottom left of the surface


Hey, firstly I wanted to say that this game is honestly the best game when it comes to ants and colonies. I have been dreaming of a game like this for years now and I am so happy this game was made.

However there is only one reoccurring bug that keeps happening for me. Whenever I have a group of ants above ground and I put a pheromone down inside of the nest a couple of ants (only 2-3) wander off to the bottom left hand side of the surface map. I don't know why they do this and it is only a couple of ants so it isn't game breaking, but I wanted to let you guys know that something like this was happening for me. Is this happening for anyone else? Thanks for all of your hard work!


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Extremely Helpful Person
I figured out what it was. This seems to occur when the ants are headed for a pheromone underground, but their pathing fails for unknown reasons. They will instead try to get as close to the pheromone as possible, which for the nest, is always somewhere in the bottom left (to prove this, enter photo mode with upgrades and healthbars showing).

The ants exhibit similar behavior when you place a pheromone on a tile that can be walked on, but not accessed.

Cancelling or replacing the pheromone often fixes the pathing.

Crowding the entrance may be a factor, but otherwise the cause is unknown.