Fog of war, ant field of view


Beta Tester
Ecosystem Beta Tester
Will there be a fog of war in this game?

If yes, please remember that different ant species have different eyesight.
Myrmecia bull ants for example have phenomenal vision, Camponotus sugar ants are pretty decent (they can see you coming from more than a meter), Messor harvester ants are pretty meh, while Dorylus driver ants are completely blind (and thus should have a really tiny field of view, they navigate/detect by smell, vibrations, air flow and touch).


Beta Tester
Ecosystem Beta Tester
Btw you could do a second field of view system, like a radar or motion detector.

It could use these exclamation marks that are already in the game and their size would depend on how much vibrations that source makes.

Another way would be to show some markers/waves at the edge of the fog of war, like a direction indicator that there's something close but still out of your visual field of view.

Of course motionless enemies sitting just there waiting for prey (lurking spiders, ant lions, mantis) wouldn't show up cause they make no sounds.