Howdy from the Frozen North...

Of South Dakota. I've been an avid fan of both insects and arachnids ever since I was about yay small. I've kept at least one copy of the National Audubon Society Guide to North American Insects for a pretty solid 25 years and it's more or less my bible whenever I'm out camping or just see a new insect. Way back in the day I played the hell out of Sim Ant and loved every second of the game. It's an absolute *blast* to see another insect focused game after so many years, so please for the love of all the dear six and eight legged gods; keep the goodness coming.


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Hi Fhangrin! Thanks so much for the kind words. Whilst Formica ereptor are unlikely to ever get into the hallowed pages of National Audubon Society Guide to North American Insects I'm sure many of the other insects we feature are already there :p
Well. The Bug Bible can be reserved for outdoor projects. The EotU Wiki'll serve well for the game.

I blame you guys for the last 12 hours I've spent looking up information on formicariums and general ant-keeping information. Keeping an ant colony as kid was something I always wanted to do. I was deeply disappointed when I found out I couldn't get queens by mail.

I'm not sure they'd have gotten along with my tarantulas anyway. Pretty sure they'd have eaten my tarantulas. Gah.

As a suggestion, you guys might wanna put up some information on how to keep and raise ants, and resources on the subject on the EotU Steam page. Just in case anyone else gets the proverbial bug up their butt and decides to give it a try.


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You can't get ant queens by mail? Assuming it's not a legal thing, I think Ants Canada ships them (company that sells ant-related products, and which also has a Youtube channel with some massive colonies).

And on the sixth day, God created ant in his own image, and gave them dominion over the earth and all of its creatures. Amen.
Nah, AntsCanada doesn't ship queens. They set you up with other antkeepers in your area. I just happen to live in a freaking void unless I travel 8 hours to pick one up clear out in Michigan or Colorado. And it's the dead of freaking winter, so that's not a trip the colonies are likely to survive.

I spent all day yesterday watching AntsCanada's youtube channel, and it is as near as I can tell, illegal to ship reproductive ants period. It's just not a hassle I wanna deal with.