Idea for new ant

Recently the youtube channel SciShow has posted a video on "medic" ants. I think that it would be a neat idea for a new species/evolution of ants.
Video for Refrence:


The only problem with this, is that they would have to add leg loss, unless you want to make it so the just heal them up in some way?
You could just simplify it so that the medic ants help heal ants on low health a lot faster instead of adding the leg loss mechanic.


I am Greg
Oxidus27 said:
You could just simplify it so that the medic ants help heal ants on low health a lot faster instead of adding the leg loss mechanic.

I haven t play much with my gog version. Are there diseases appearing in higher level.
If no,
we could get sick ants invading the nest like the black death. Or zombie ants. ;)