Not Getting food

I played for the 1st time today and did the first 2 missions 2 times, one without the challenge and one with it. I noticed that even though i am getting all the bonuses as promised (Royal jelly etc.) I am not getting any food for my Formicarium. I am on 0 and i cant progress to the next lvl cause i cant build soldiers without food. Did i miss something? Is this happening to other people?


Maximum difficulty
Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
Open the surface. Dig the spot at the top that's weirdly shaped and bigger than any of the hexagons.

Are you not getting the "seeds have been dropped on the surface" message? The devs have been trying for quite a while to make it easier for people to figure out.
No i am didn't actually. But you helped me a lot, cause now i can go and pick food. I didn't even try before to go to the surface, thought it was a different level or something. But the message doesn't come up anywhere though. Thank you again! :)