Passive and trader colony's


This is a simple idea that could make the world feel more alive. Two types of colonies, passive and mercenary colonies. Passive colonies are very small colonies that you can send a worker ant to ask for help, in lower levels of the game they will say yes but maybe in later levels, they would ask for a small donation. What's the donation you may ask, well its high-quality food of course! There are two types of food, one is average food which is just regular, and high-quilty food that is basically money to ants because as the name suggests its high-quality. When you do that you have more soldiers and an extra queen producing at a slower rate than yours. They will help you against threats.

Mercenary colonies are shop keepers where you can buy a group of mercenaries that are a larva at the momment. I will make a post later dedicated to them. They sell a variety of creatures from aphids to devil horse reach things. You and the enemy colony buy stuff from there with high-quality food. A little detail could be the interface. The game pauses and an interface similar to the old fallout games when you talk to an important character, also at the bottom right is saying Edmond Wells ant translator. If you get that reference I applaud you for knowing that reference.


Community Manager
Staff member
Community Manager
As Planemaster said, that's not what we're going for here. It's a bit beyond the reach of an ant colony to establish intelligent trading in that way!

That's not to say there won't be mutually beneficial relationships in the game, but they won't be approached like factions trading for resources.


Mike said:
As Planemaster said, that's not what we're going for here. It's a bit beyond the reach of an ant colony to establish intelligent trading in that way!

That's not to say there won't be mutually beneficial relationships in the game, but they won't be approached like factions trading for resources.

I still want my Xenomorph colony in this game :p
keep it a little more real.

as "traid" colonys you can use Lice and Caterpillars.
There a real life ants that care for them because they consume there products in excange

As mercenarys you can try some little bigger Bugs that cant be taimed, but atract/lure them to a specific spot, maybe a ant track of the enemy colony or the colony entrace so that he bash the entrace for you

that is much more realistic


I thought maybe we could take liberties and eukadealer when I meant tamed I meant was kidnapped and enslaved from larva.


Staff member
Developer of EotU
The whole idea of a mercenary colony that contract ants would be great in a fun custom scenario. At the moment we are trying to keep things as realistic as we can for the core game but it would be a shame if different ideas like this were lost on that account. Lots of RTS games have mercenaries, they work, and Redmoth's vision of how this would look in the game is quite ingenious.

Although we haven't confirmed if and how we will do it, the team really wants to allow community modding and will also possibly look into creating a public level editor long term. It will be after release, but if we can provide the right tools, I don't think aphid shopkeepers are beyond the realm of possibilities.