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  1. The vegetarian ant


    yeah you're right I'll try to look into it when I have the time
  2. The vegetarian ant

    Close proximity extra level idea

    it's not gonna be a level then, you have nothing against you if you can just make your enemies fight each other without doing anything
  3. The vegetarian ant

    Close proximity extra level idea

    wait so you control both your colony and the enemies ?
  4. The vegetarian ant

    (Hiliarious) Extra level suggestion: Sword fighting

    not gonna rob you of your fun but... do you realize extra levels are supposed to use pre built functions of the game ? like for example the campaign has leafcutters so extra levels are added with leafcutters, not creating whole new mechanics for the game and while it would be fun to play such a...
  5. The vegetarian ant

    extra level idea : naval assault

    why would you send all your soldiers ? that's kinda the point, not being able to put all your eggs in one basket but rather sending taskforces workers black ants wood ants atta media atta major trap jaws (and you can have upgrades like in extremis)
  6. The vegetarian ant

    extra level idea : naval assault

    the fire ants won't all attack at once, if it was just a numbers game you would loose in 2.2, they will send attack waves one after the other and you'll have a steady food source with the aphids
  7. The vegetarian ant

    A fun idea

    thanks ^^
  8. The vegetarian ant

    A fun idea

    maybe that could still be done, it would simply need to add an animation where a normal trap jaw gets bigger (when she becomes the queen) and add a portion of code where the trap jaws that see the queen die no longer consider each other ally and fight until only one of those remain, which...
  9. The vegetarian ant

    Extra level idea the cove

    if you need it just remember that you can edit your own post ^^ (just so you don't need to make a followup post next time) like the level idea though
  10. The vegetarian ant

    extra level idea : naval assault

    you control an ereptor colony on an island surrounded by aphids, then water, then fire ant colonies (in concentric circles) you have to hold out long enough to build up your colony while the fire ant repeatedly build bridges to access your colony and attack you, if you hold out long enough, the...
  11. The vegetarian ant

    A fun idea

    well there is a queen, it's just a scaled trapjaw but still a queen
  12. The vegetarian ant

    How to Complete The Crucible

    my very high quality content
  13. The vegetarian ant

    Screenshot Saturday - The Little Black Ant (Monomorium minimum)

    I'm sure there are smaller species out there but people can't see them so we never discover them
  14. The vegetarian ant

    "Frozen Combat" wasn't Solved

    maybe this is linked to what happened today on the dev stream where mortars had their animation but didn't fire, there's also been a bug with the units still firing despite line of sight being broken because the target was still in range ?
  15. The vegetarian ant

    For ant soundtrack would be nice so that everybody could here another amazing soundrack

    I don't think he used the music for commercial uses, but I don't know how soundcloud works anyway, also, I think the devs would likely have said so if he needed to take it down, I'm not sure though
  16. The vegetarian ant

    For ant soundtrack would be nice so that everybody could here another amazing soundrack

    most soundtracks are either release on their youtube channel ( ) or on soundcloud ( )
  17. The vegetarian ant

    Suggestion: Colony Editor

    I think you could also change the food type of the colony, choosing between the normal one or the leafcutter's one
  18. The vegetarian ant

    strategies for tow ?

    yeah, except when the army ant are in rage, at that time they do enough damage to not trigger it anymore and just one shot the trapjaw