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  1. S

    Screen Shot Saturday - Poppyseed Production (Freeplay)

    I don't care if it's not on the deadline, but a ruff estimate would make us not loose interest...
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    Progress Post: AI Nest Excavation

    lol roasted mike, now ban him mike >:D jk but also i'm mad that the ants have evolved to now be smarter than us :(
  3. S

    Problems with Formicarium challenge Number 1

    Have you upgraded your ants? Also get the queen upgrades. Such as royal guard, or get ant upgrades. It helps but if you are skilled enough you can beat it without any of this. Like me, because I had no clue you could do any of this so I just used strategy. I had two tunnels leading around to the...
  4. S

    Subtitles planned ? OST too for GOG ?

    That would be cool, but right now they are a small game. They will probably do that for the global release and maybe when 3.1 and 3.2 come out this summer
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    February 2018 Newsletter

    That is for steam, i have the kind that is launched via folder from I found that it was for download before them steam one came out. Thanks for trying to help anyway :)
  6. S

    Freeplay Mode Estimate?

    or just release a really glitchy game and watch what happens, that'd be fun :)
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    February 2018 Newsletter

    Uhm i took screenshots in the file version, where do those go?
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    February 2018 Newsletter

    Also shouldn't this be in the news section?
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    February 2018 Newsletter

    How do we go about submitting our screenshots, i'd love to give a few ;)
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    Screen Shot Saturday - Poppyseed Production (Freeplay)

    But we made a new game :D
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    Freeplay Mode Estimate?

    Ooooooh yeah, a timeline would be very helpful!!! and you could make it interactive and have us comment on it and what we think about it
  12. S

    Screen Shot Saturday - Poppyseed Production (Freeplay)

    let's have them make it :) Do it eotugames! doooo ittttt xD. it'd be hilarious watching dungbeetles crawling towards a painted piece of "crap" that looks like a soccer ball
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    Mid-week Progress Post: A Gust of Wind and a Poppy Head

    foreshadowinggggggggg :O SAND SNAAAAAAAAAAKES :O
  14. S

    Screen Shot Saturday - Poppyseed Production (Freeplay)

    time to make a go fund me for dung ball league xD. I say this is a good idea
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    Disappointed with Ant Upgrades..

    Unless you make it so the large soldiers do the same damage as regular soldiers, but all opposing units attack that unit. Dealing all the damage that that group would, to 1 soldier. This would make it more effective at being a tank. But large groups of ants, especially with mortars in back would...
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    Screen Shot Saturday - Poppyseed Production (Freeplay)

    Yeah! we should make it so ants can play soccer :O!!! or play as soccer playing dung beetles xD
  17. S

    Disappointed with Ant Upgrades..

    Okay, i tried reading this thread... i'm already lost... but have fun i guess...
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    Idea for new ant

    The only problem with this, is that they would have to add leg loss, unless you want to make it so the just heal them up in some way?
  19. S

    Screen Shot Saturday - Poppyseed Production (Freeplay)

    Or a nest of wood lice :O
  20. S

    Realism or Game?

    I will befriend a cricket. Just you watch.