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  1. D

    Can we have user made maps

    I have a quick question, is it possible to make a few little levels (similar to the Alpha demos) to keep the fans going, I suppose the best would be to create a level where you can go against one or more nests and earn jelly and food, I am sure that you could just use the first two levels to...
  2. D

    Fight to rule

    I would love to see a mission where you are against 2 or more colonies, spreed out over a large map and the object is to take over and defeat the each colony with obstacles you must also defeat before you can get to another colony . Cheers all
  3. D

    2.2 Queen of the hill

    I would love to play this mission and after you win to be able to continue, rather than the mission just ending and if you press on continue you are stuck in one area