11 New species to add


Was thinking about 11 new insects that could be added to the game in the near future. Of course I understand not all of these can be added but it would be cool to see some of them.

The insects

#1 Velvet ant aka cow killer
The velvet ant can be used as a heavyhitter in your colony or as a dangerous enemy roaming the wild.

#2 Titan beetle
The Titan beetle can be made to be some kind of boss fight on any level because of it's big frame and massive bite force. Given it's big size I don't think it should be able to enter ant colonies. Making the only safe place from this beast your nest.

#3 Major hercules beetle
Aswell as the titan beetle this can also be used as some sort of overpowered boss insect.

#4 Miyama stag beetle
Given it's big jaws it can be used as a heavyhitting tank roaming the wild and being able to enter your nest.

#5 Amazonian Centipede
I just like the idea of having a big insect that will kill anything given it's prey is in front of it. To take this down your colony will have to attack it from behind where it can't reach.

#6 Earwig
Another decently small insect that can work as replacement for the not fully developed devils couch horse so you don't face the same insects every level and switch things up.

#7 Giant rhinoceros beetle
Another tank with low damage that can be replacements for other big bugs in certain levels so you don't face the same bugs every level.

#8 Black widow
Thinking this spider could have it's web on the surface in some levels and making any bug that walks into it get stuck and unable to attack back the spider. Making it a certain death trap.

#9 Africanized honey bee
To switch things up in levels, you can make the main enemy not be other ant colonies but a bee hive. Both you and the hive's only source of food around the level is honey making the two different species battle for resources.

#10 Black spitting thick tail scorpion
Any other scorpion could work but I liked this because of it's big size. And it can be used as a predator to quickly kill the big bugs like titan bug or tiger beetles thanks to it's venom. but then have it vulnerable to small insects with great numbers because it's posion wont help it then.

#11 Asian hornet
Title says it all, this will basically be a beast killing almost everything that crosses it's path.

If you find any of this interesting please save it down or send me a personal message for further ideas (I have lots more). I would really appreciate to help you guys as much as I can since I love this game. ;)


Really cool ideas, BBBUUTT I would like to say...
The velvet ant is not an ant but a ground wasp. Although I would like to see it in the game.


Yea, I know but since it really looks like an ant it could work and because it would be so cool to have one or two of them in your formicarium army. And since the formicarium already combines different types of ants, why not add one that looks like one.


I see where your coming from but there's a difference between the Gene stealing ant(The ant colony you play as) taking the gene of a different ant and them taking a gene from a distant cousin.
Well no, it couldn't work.Again the Velvet ant is a Wasp. Might as well say we should birth Tiger Beetles.

As enemies though, that would be interesting. In fact all are nice suggestions. I don't know if its confirmed, but another ant based RTS, Empire of the Ant (based on a novel) had Praying mantises. I'd love to see them.