It's been quite a bit since the last time I did this, and with the 1.0 release, there's quite some stuff that isn't coming to the game that people may want, so here I'll list them. (Some of this info is from the FAQs on discord and the official wiki)
-Driver ants have been deconfirmed as full colonies, as they are nomadic.
-stink ants have been deconfirmed as full colonies due to, I believe, not working with EotU's pheromone system.
-Bull ants have been deconfirmed as full colonies for the same reason as stink ants, iirc.
-Slavemakers are still deconfirmed as full colonies because of the larva stealing mechanic.
-Weaver ants have been deconfirmed, as they nest in tree leaves, which isn't compatible with Eotu's nesting system.
-trapjaws have been deconfirmed as full colonies for the same reason as bull ants and stink ants.
-multiplayer is not coming to eotu, as eotu was built for single-player.
-Building dirt tiles won't be coming to eotu.
-no creatures larger than the bullfrog will be added.
-Mammals are not being added either, the exception, being, of course, the scientists.
-Eciton army ants have been deconfirmed as playable species, same reason as drivers.
This is the list I have for now. Of course, I might have forgotten or got some info incorrect, so, if that is the case, let me know.
-Driver ants have been deconfirmed as full colonies, as they are nomadic.
-stink ants have been deconfirmed as full colonies due to, I believe, not working with EotU's pheromone system.
-Bull ants have been deconfirmed as full colonies for the same reason as stink ants, iirc.
-Slavemakers are still deconfirmed as full colonies because of the larva stealing mechanic.
-Weaver ants have been deconfirmed, as they nest in tree leaves, which isn't compatible with Eotu's nesting system.
-trapjaws have been deconfirmed as full colonies for the same reason as bull ants and stink ants.
-multiplayer is not coming to eotu, as eotu was built for single-player.
-Building dirt tiles won't be coming to eotu.
-no creatures larger than the bullfrog will be added.
-Mammals are not being added either, the exception, being, of course, the scientists.
-Eciton army ants have been deconfirmed as playable species, same reason as drivers.
This is the list I have for now. Of course, I might have forgotten or got some info incorrect, so, if that is the case, let me know.