Argentine Ants


If you live in California or some other states you probably dislike Argentine ants. First, because in CA there's a HUGE COLONY THAT GOES FROM SANDIEGO TO SAN FRANCISCO!!! Second, because of that HUGE colony, it's hard to find other ants species because of the competition they bring. Third, they have dozens maybe hundreds of queens at a nest. That means they repopulate really really fast. So I think they would be an interesting species in the game. You first encounter them on the surface when it's just there queens trying to find a nest. They are attacked by ants and bugs alike, they make swift sprints and then stop. (That's when to get them) They're also a good early source of food because you can easily pick them off, and they give fair chunks of food.

Later some queens survive and form colonies, these colonies become bigger and soon your workers can't deal with so much cannon fodder. You need stronger ants and when you get stronger ants, say driver or fire antsthats just an example, don't ask me about balancing in a beta I've never played, that will tear through the Argentine ants! After being decimated the survivors will have to evolve rapidly because they have been beaten for generations, and they are some of the last Argentine colonies on the island. Later in the game, you will see that the Argentine ants have hybrid ants. You will know how when you invade the nests and see that they have captured queens and are forcing them to make males to mate with the Argentine queens! Also, they have male scouts that fly around and report back to their respected colony, even reporting your ant's position. It's up to the player to find out how to get rid of these ants from hell.


Beta Tester
Ecosystem Beta Tester
Your Californian colony is tiny. In Europe there's an argentine ant colony going over 5000 kilometers from Spain to Greece.

But then Argentines aren't the worst invasive ant species as their range is severely limited by their extreme demand for moisture and humidity.
Solenopsis invicta (red imported fire ants) accepts a much further range of conditions and is dangerous even for larger animals and children, they have pretty much eradicated most native ant species in southern Texas and Alabama.
Pheidole megacephala is the worst invasive ant in Africa and has also spread to the US and parts of Asia, it can easily kill off argentines and stand up fairly well against fire ants.
Raspberry crazy ants (Nylanderia fulva) which are currently ravaging their way through California have the potential to become a massive problem as they can even outcompete red imported fire ants, their formic acid makes them immune to the fire ant stings.
Yellow crazy ant supercolonies are a massive issue on pacific island as they kill off even larger species such as birds and crabs with their formic acid. They're also the most likely supercolony-forming encounter for Formica ereptor.
Lasius neglectus is on it's way to become a plague in Europe as it is the only supercolony-forming ant species that can survive in cold climate.

There's a good list of invasive ants and argentines are nasty but by far not the worst.


Have you seen Argentine ants fight? Not saying that they compare much to the ants your talking about, but there warriors!