Bug I keep encountering whilst playing Rising Tide challenge mode


Apologies if this has been brought up before, I tried to search for it and it didn't look like it had been mentioned from what I saw.

I've noticed sometimes when playing Rising Tide on medium difficulty with the challenge mode on that sometimes one of my ants seems to gather food even when it is already carrying food and never actually deposits it on a food tile leading to the ant carrying a huge pile of food and preventing me using that as a resource. It used to always be one of the ranged ants a while back then the issue disappeared and has returned with it now always being one of the melee ants.

I've yet to get a screenshot of it unfortunately. Fortunately even with the annoyance of some lost resources it hasn't been preventing me from clearing the level but I figured it was probably worth bringing it up just in case.


Staff member
Developer of EotU
I remember this problem a long time ago. We fixed it back then but it is possible it has re-emerged with the recent changes. I will log the bug but any further info you can give us here will help pin it down!


Staff member
Developer of EotU
I am going to shelve this issue for now. I cannot replicate it and there have been no other reports. Maybe it is related to the issues others are having with attack not happening if you are not looking? Either way let us know if it happens again!