Different Colony Behaviors


In Freeplay at the moment the enemy A.I has only one behavior pattern to follow. The idea that came to my mind is that the colonies would have a randomly assigned behavior that would dictate how they dig out their nest, how they would harvest food and how they responded to threats.

The behaviors would be based upon different playstyles. Some examples are:
  • Having only one pheramone group
  • Not building chambers (digging out entire undergound)
  • Building huge brood chambers
  • Having every single ant harvesting
  • Upgrades before more ants (quality over quantity)
  • Ignoring creatures as leafcutter
  • Building lots of workers
Some behaviors would need to be combined with each other but it would a very interesting thing to add when the game is complete.


Extremely Helpful Person
Ecosystem Beta Tester
I have some ideas

Worker Focus
Priorities Worker over other casts, quantity (workers)

Has Attack enemies on sight off, only attacks other colonies when attacked first, 50/50

Doesn't attack colonies if they nearly died from an attack, has aggression off towards that colony, 50/50

Attacks ants moving towards a trail (like the jumping spider ai), Quality over quantity

Attacks other colonies over environmental creatures, half upgraded half not (50/50)

Sends 80% of all of their ants to harvesting spots that are not close to the colony (It splits the ants among all of the groups), quantity over quality