do the tech tree augmentations add upgrades to all of the levels we do


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It's just for the formicarium (the formicarium challenges are by far the hardest part of the game, so you'll need them). I've been discussing the upcoming freeplay mode with John and he's keen to allow you to transplant your upgrades from the formicarium to a freeplay colony :)
It would be cool to see a tech tree or some kind of upgrades available in the stages as well, however I could see how that wouldn't be feasible from a rebalancing or even design perspective. I understand the tech tree representing the gene thief queen evolving, so that wouldn't make sense for the other ant colonies.

It would be nice to introduce some more rts elements though, just so there is more MEAT in the game mode where players will most likely spend most of their time.
(Not to say that the stages are shallow, but there is a point in which I figure out exactly how to go about beating the stage, and then I find myself wishing parts of the game weren't so forgiving, so it becomes more complicated to solve.)

In other words, wonderful game, I just want an excuse to play more XD


the formicarium missions were by far the easyiest for me! although there is no setting for them for they have a default setup, and i played each of the other 4 levels on hard..