
how do I kill the spiders on this mission? Or am I supposed to attempt to avoid them? just looking for tips as I feel like I have tried everything.
The best way that i found to do this is to split up the groups. I have two "fighter" groups and one large ranged ant army. when I got to the part where all the spiders swarm the colony I lost twice. Spent hours getting more jelly thinking this was the issue and still lost on second attempt.

On my third attempt i took one group of "Fighter/Melee" ants and moved them to the Queen group. this ended up working by creating a buffer between my queen and the attacking enemy's.

Also, all of my cells where fully upgraded. Use gravel around the spawning cells to help level up the outer parts of it.

GL hope that helped.


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Do you mean 1.2 Subjugation?

The best way to kill funnel web spiders is to send a large amount of soldier ants to them with food gather turned off. That way, they won't be distracted by the food on the floor that spiders are guarding and will head straight to her. She'll still kill a few but after a short while she'll go down. Remember to turn food gather back on once you're done.
I have found that toggling food gathering on and off is one of the most important micromanage tools the game gives us.
I find myself constantly adjusting groups of ants priorities.


The ability to toggle on and off fighting too is pretty useful, and for my strategy on 2.1 is indispensable.


I have everything maxed with 4 groups of 19; 2 melee and 2 rapid fire ants. Take all your melee and put em into 1 group near the entrance towards the outside. And have your ranged ants in another group behind them. Once the enemy ants start a knocking, bring forward your ranged ants to ensure they aren't targeted right away. After the scientist starts releasing tiger beetles, clear them and take back all your ranged and melee ants back too your queen, anything that isn't in combat due too over crowded grouping will fall back and anything reviving will regroup on the queen. Soon the spiders will come and you'll defend and the ants wouldn't have even gotten past the door yet.


I think this guy is talking about 1.2. You can't really avoid the spiders on other levels.

Just swarm them with black ants.


If it is challenge two, I had everything by the front door to fight the continuous trickle of enemies, then I placed the pheromon markers by the queen after the beetles where killed. My forces were still fighting by the door step, but slowly trickled back to defend the queen.


Maximum difficulty
Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
Your starting process should vaguely be:

Collect seeds above, and weavile larvae in the top right (?s), and then some of the seeds below. You can get all of these without running into enemies. At this point, make about 6 black ant soldiers. Two waves of all 6 soldiers is enough to kill a single spider, which should help you to collect more food and make more ants.

You can see healthbars via ALT or the options menu.