Hello there,
JohnSlugDisco actually told me that it would be a great idea to put the idea of my sugguestion into the sugguestion area so here I go.
I'm a bit tired from work so I thought why not just quote what I wrote to share this with everyone in the right section.
Back to the MB. They usually only pick the most interesting and healthiest looking seeds but they also sometimes just drop them which actually helps to spread plantlife. This could be an interesting feature for some maps. With a chance of 1-5% an ant could drop a seed and leave it to grow into a new plant. This would be awesome since it would enable them a closer food source. but this would only work if there was only no other food plant within 5-10 hexagons. Depending on the mapdesign anyway. ^^
Now to give some idea for a battleing scenario. Messor Barbarus vs Lasius Niger. MB would try to get new seeds and LN would be trying to defend their aphits which are living on the plants. I actually once bought a mint plant and it was covered in aphits. I didn´t had a colony ready to care for them however so I had to throw the plant away since it got rekt in my attempt to free it from the aphits.
Same could be for the leafcutters. LC want the leafs the LN want the aphits and therefor protect the plant.
JohnSlugDisco actually told me that it would be a great idea to put the idea of my sugguestion into the sugguestion area so here I go.
I'm a bit tired from work so I thought why not just quote what I wrote to share this with everyone in the right section.
So to add more informations about the Messor Barbarus coloney and how it could be implemented. They are known to travel a long distances and create something like trails over time which act as highways to get to the nearest area with food. Here it would be interesting to have them climb up the plants to harvest some seeds which could regrow after a night had past. They don't need much food and a small colony can actually survive about a month until they need more food. I tried it with some workers which had lost their queen. Sadly they cannot have more than one queen unlike other ant species which would of course be super interesting to see. Like having an underground colony which would find one or two other colonies to forge a super colony.I also got a pretty healthy knowledge about ants in general and hope to find a camponotus queen to keep a larger antspecies which lives inside woodnests. It would be really awesome to have one of those since they are much easier to see.
Hopefully I will be of help to the developers with my knowledge and try to support them with my knowledge about ants and perhaps not unknown but uncommon facts about several antspecies. Hopefully we will get to see some of the following antscolonies (more like types not specific species):
- Harvester Ants: Diet which is 99,99% seeds and rarely an insect. Not all seeds tho since some are actually poisonous. (even to us humans) Messor Barbarus for example.
- Honey Pot Ants: Storing their food inside some of their workers. Some Antkeeps feed the colony colored honey to make it more colorful. Myrmecocystus mexicanus for example.
- Dracula Ants: They are best know for drinking blood from their own lavae or puppae. They are specialized predators tho. Stigmatomma for example.
- Trap-Jaw Ants: They are picky eaters but their jaws is one of the fastest and most painful in the world. They sometimes keep springtails as livestock. Anochetus for example.
- Gamergate Ants: Every ant starts as a queenant but they usually have an alpha queen (the gamergate) which tries to keep her brute infertile. They can however change the leader if another one wants to overthrow the current alpha. They are clever girls. Diacamma rugosum for example.
- Wood Ants: They are bigger than most ants and easy to spot. They live in dead trees or wood. Preferably dry. Camponotus herculeanus for example.
-Weaver Ants: They build their nests inside of trees using the silk of their larvae to glue the leafs, mosses and twigs together. Camponotus orinus for example.
- Marauder Ants: They are well known for their extream sizes. The queens can grow up to 3 cm in length (as far as I know/saw). Pheidologeton for example.
I must tell you that I don't know everything of course and some of those informations might be wrong. Like the name of the species or one or two facts but as far as I remembered those facts should be true.
Hopefully we will get to see some interesting new colonies and I could imagine a fight between weaver ants and leaf cutter ants but I don't know if those two kind of ants could ever meet or if they will be implemented into the game but I will gladly help the developers if they need some help with facts and informations about different kinds of ants.
Back to the MB. They usually only pick the most interesting and healthiest looking seeds but they also sometimes just drop them which actually helps to spread plantlife. This could be an interesting feature for some maps. With a chance of 1-5% an ant could drop a seed and leave it to grow into a new plant. This would be awesome since it would enable them a closer food source. but this would only work if there was only no other food plant within 5-10 hexagons. Depending on the mapdesign anyway. ^^
Now to give some idea for a battleing scenario. Messor Barbarus vs Lasius Niger. MB would try to get new seeds and LN would be trying to defend their aphits which are living on the plants. I actually once bought a mint plant and it was covered in aphits. I didn´t had a colony ready to care for them however so I had to throw the plant away since it got rekt in my attempt to free it from the aphits.
Same could be for the leafcutters. LC want the leafs the LN want the aphits and therefor protect the plant.