other sea creatures


will be nice if there will could be other sea creatures that will evolve like crustaceans , mollusks or worms

Tom Johnson

Developer of Ecosystem
Ecosystem Beta Tester
will be nice if there will could be other sea creatures that will evolve like crustaceans , mollusks or worms
I experimented a bit with creatures that walk (whether on land or on the seafloor) rather than swimming. I was able to get them to move around in a way somewhat similar to crustaceans, dragging their bodies around. I liked watching them do this, so it is a definite possibility and I am quite interested in implementing it. However, it took a long time for them to evolve this ability and they were extremely slow, so they will still need a lot of work to get them functioning in the game. But I like the idea a lot and there is a definite chance they will make it in. Thanks for the suggestion.