The new spider Christmas level

It looks nice and and could work except for the fact that unlike the regular version where enemies will get distracted and come for you, these enemies will go right past you and trying to catch up to them is a pain, also the path finding is broken, whenever I try to get the spider to go around corners, he runs straight into a wall.


I'll clear up a few things here, but I'm sorry you're having these issues.
I would like to mention that these spider levels have been designed to be difficult.

The pathfinding is not quote on quote broken, the player is usually breaking it. For example, the spider is glitching as I am currently just pressing down on the underground and the spider can't correct it by going there. (Sorry if that sounded weird) The devs should know what I mean.

Edit here! —This works for me, don't right-click to move, that breaks it as well.

You don't need to hold anything down, just simply LEFT click and the spider will correctly move. Example. [Enjoy these bad drawings] (I edited this reply to show some examples.)

Edit in picture: made slightly easier to read.
Screenshot 2021-11-26 122727.png
Also, as stated, the enemies want to go to the presents. Use the spider abilities to slow them down, it's the main purpose of “Crippling Venom“ which helps a lot. These levels require strategy. Some enemies will attack, so be careful there.

Once again, I'm sorry you've had these problems, but good luck!
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That was what I was doing. Clicking and waiting for the spider to follow, but instead it just ran straight into a wall. thanks anyways.
I did edit the post I made earlier, but I'd thought I would mention it, does left-clicking anywhere on the map make the spider stuck? If so, it's unfortunate for you and the level could use some improvements in that respect.
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