Tile upgrades not showing

So when I try to upgrade tiles I can't see the current level of tiles. The tile levels randomly flash on my screen during play and are there for about a frame then disappear. There is no way to keep them on the screen, especially when trying to upgrade so I have to mouse over and see if them hammer is open or has the red "no" circle to know which tiles to upgrade...
I have tried the key bindings for show tile levels and still nothing. I have restarted the game several times to no avail.
I've found a temporary work around, if I bring up the menu it shows the level of the tiles around it, annoying, but it helps figure how the tile levels and upgrades are looking.


i get his issue on the missions/side battles (PC) where i cant see upgrade levels other than random flashing on for a split second here and there

but in the formicarium they display perfectly fine


Staff member
Developer of EotU
Interesting, I wonder if there's a common theme here. I don't suppose you could all list your operating systems and graphics cards/GPUs for me? If, for example, you're all using similar GPUs, that could be a big clue.