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  1. G

    Hermit crab insta-kill

    I was just looking around my nest on the surface and I observed a hermit crab crawl up a ramp which was right next to my nest and dangerously close to the crab. I didn't see my ants engage in battle, and the crab just crawled along. Looking around my nest more, I saw an adult devil's coach...
  2. G

    Underground Warfare

    This is like the demo level "the nest" but more... Developed. Basically, the area underground is like is the same, but extended right/left/up/down so it's 2x bigger than the standard underground area. More details on the area So the player's side of the undergrowth will be like in previous...
  3. G

    Layers of undergrowth

    As the title suggests, layers of the undergrowth are basically just levels to dig entrances up to finally reach the surface. Let's say an ant queen burrowed too deep in the nest and took too long to lay eggs. During that time, the hot Sun managed to dry the dirt until it's brittle on the outside...