Achievement idea for levels 2:1 and 2:2

So the way the player unlocks this achievement is by not building any ranged ants. Simple! Or if that would be impossible, just severly limit the amount of ranged ants the player has.


1. Wood ant melee deals weaker damage than worker, making them useless agaisnt hermit crabs healing. Their high health means nothing to area attacks and stun from tiger beetles.
2. The combination of wood ants and black ants cannot be stalled.
3. I suggest changing it to either: "Using no melee" or "Using no worker".
I like that idea.
A couple of others for you:

  1. Kill x number of beetle larva on Medium.with challenge on
  2. Win the level on Hard without collecting from the bottom tidal areas.
  3. Win the level on Insane while losing X number of ants to the tides.
  4. Maybe an option about winning the level without killing ant beetle larva for challenge mode
  1. Collect a Fish on Medium
  2. Keep both aphid farms alive on Hard
  3. Keep all enemy ants from entering the nest on insane
  4. Win the level on insane without saving the aphids
I would have made an option about killing the enemy queens in their own nests - but that's not an option on this level. Maybe a good one for 3.1
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