Aphid Farm Landmark feels Wimpy


At the moment the only reliable sources of food towards the end of Freeplay are Uber creatures and aphid farms. The other landmarks, like the fish and seed plant, simply do not give enough food constantly.

Unfortunately, the aphid farms also don't reap the benefits seen in 2.2. They are too small and towards the end of Freeplay are always being attacked. I think the beta could be used to tweak the farms to become more reliable.


A variety in size of renewable food sources (small, medium and large) would be nice. We just have to make larger ones have higher spawn chance further from the nest, or at higher difficulty.
As for asthetic:
- aphid farm: the current one for small, a bit bigger for medium and the 2.2 one for large.
- fish: we can simply scale it bigger.
- poppy: short buds for small, buds and flowers mix for medium, tall flowers for large.