Attacking bigger enemy

Currently there is no feedback in the game when you attack a bigger enemy. It would be nice to see feedback how you are doing. I would like to know three information:
- What is the health status of the big enemy I am trying to take down
- Just counting the current forces engaged in the fight would I win it or loose it (and how close)
- How long is this fight likely to take in seconds

I would be fine if only the first information is always shown and the rest is available by selecting the enemy.


Maximum difficulty
Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
We'll probably get most of this info when we start getting the in-game wiki, which will tell us HP values and damage values that we previously lacked, but:

Just counting the current forces engaged in the fight would I win it or loose it (and how close)

I wouldn't mind, assuming it wouldn't be too taxing on running the game, a counter that would tell you how many of your ants are on-screen.