[Bug?] 0.21142 Freeplay, weird music transitions between combat and calm?


Community Manager
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Community Manager
I think this is working as intended - some of the transitions catch at points that can sound a little weird if they go from one to the other, then back quite quickly.


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
I think this is working as intended - some of the transitions catch at points that can sound a little weird if they go from one to the other, then back quite quickly.
At 1:09 it is most noticable. The combat music suddenly jumps to a different part of the combat music track? It looks like the combat music suddenly starts playing again but at a different part:

Full video:

I think right now it is not playing a certain part of the nightly jungle combat track any more?
It looks like it is somehow stuck playing the same part of the combat music? Sometimes transitioning away from combat music during combat.
I compared it to this: (Same version)
(I was unable to make the game reach the music part from 27:10 on embankment.)
And it sound quite different in how it transitions.

(Side note: Is John okay? He hasn't been logged in on this forum since last sunday, when he had a nasty cold.)
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Community Manager
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Community Manager
I'd love to watch the stream tomorrow! Where can I find when it starts? (So I can make sure I can watch it)

Exactly when it starts is difficult to pinpoint, as always - but I'll be leaving in the early evening and we'd want to do it fairly early I think, maybe 11am GMT.