[Bug] 0.213 Ants warping near cliff


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
So... I caused workers to push each other through terrain by having them right next to a cliff.EotU Ants Warping Around_downsized.png
You can see the marked ant standing up vertically, which I have seen happens when a creature has gotten below ground and is being pushed up to the surface.


Staff member
Developer of EotU
The way the ant is facing will come from its direction of movement, so if it is being pushed upward by an emergency warp then it will face that way. I have made liam aware of these though they are not game breakers.


Staff member
Developer of EotU
John is right, whats happening here is that somehow the ants have found themselves intersecting with part of the static world (which they are not supposed to do - that's the bug). They can't get a normal vector easily to push them out (normal vectors are easily found when sweeping an ant during movement, but once it is intersected it can be a bit tricky - based on geometries & centre of volume as well as having to worry about moving an ant into an open space that is actually inaccessible. Because this shouldn't be happening in the first place, I didn't go to the trouble of making a neat exit strategy and instead tell the creature to move in a straight line through the world to its next path destination.

So the movement through the floor/wall is an intended "emergency escape". Obviously it doesn't look great, but I need to go back into movement routines and find out why it intersected in the first place, then come up with a fix. Rather than risk breaking something else now, I think I'll leave this one until we are running a long beta test.

It's on my list now anyway, as always, thanks for the tip and the great slow- mo video :D


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
Obviously it doesn't look great
Since this "shouldn't be happening in the first place", making it more obvious when "emergency escape" is triggered might make it easier to spot terrain collision issues? (I was not sure about the "emergency escape" initially, I thought I was just seeing things. I watched the recording and only then I was sure.)