Campain level sorting


Beta Tester
So the next ant species that will come are leafcutter ants. And the next biome is jungle. (is it?)

Is this also the final sorting of levels?
Because for the campain i think a other sorting would be better.

Normal -to-> exotic
easy -to-> complex

Leafcutter ants are the most exotic, complex, and one of the most popular species.
This is something the player is looking forward to with anticipation.

I would sort levels like this:

At the beginning:
Habitats: meadow, beach
Ants: Lasius niger, Formica fusca

Habitats: deciduous forest, coniferous forest, mediterranean/bushland
Ants: Temnothorax unifasciatus (whole colony can life in a acorn), Formica rufa, Camponotus or Messor species

Habitats: desert, savanna, rainforest
Ants: Bull ants, Honeypot ants, weaver ants, Leafcutter ants


Maximum difficulty
Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
I dunno that they'd have a specific ordering, just that they're releasing one at a time.


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I don't feel there's much need to have some sense of increasing ant society complexity along with the game progression - as much as anything, our virtual ant societies are always going to be hugely simplified.

Basically the guys are working on what they want to work on (which is a decent guiding principle for any passion project) and leaf cutters excite them.