[Crash] How to crash the game (Beta)


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
About 50% crash rate (3/6)
1. Start up the game. (yes, the game needs to be running to crash it)
2. Start battle arena mode.
3. Spawn 50 trapjaw ants on both teams on the thin lane.
4. Click battle.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your game crashes.

(Image was taken seconds before crashing.)


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
Yes, I think I know why. I should've been more specific.

I saw ants inside each other, they spinned around then the game crashed. Movement code issues.
Time for me to see if I can crash a 1 v 1 with trapjaw ants to confirm relation to ants being too close to each other.


Maximum difficulty
Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
This explains the trapjaw crash I was having. Trapjaws in narrow passages will sometimes crash the game for unknown reasons. I expect this has to do with their ability, if they jump backwards into a wall there may be something that can happen with causes this. While this may be an issue with the new movement code, I expect this could have been a bug which has always existed, but which was only discovered recently since trapjaws in the missions have only been outside where there's tons of open space.