drop freeplay, make more levels?!?

I LOVE YOUR GAME! Don't get me wrong, I check everyday to see when you guys have made headway... but seriously, why don't you hold off on the freeplay mode for a while and make a few new levels first? Please?!?


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Currently we have 1 team member on Freeplay, and 2 on engine changes/ design for future levels.

Note that formicarium levels take significantly longer to complete than Freeplay since Freeplay reuses art assets that already exist and has very little of its own artwork, whereas for the levels we are designing entirely new species, ants, flora and sound. This means hefty recording sessions with our voice artists and getting that all integrated properly.

So Freeplay is an efficient use of time for one team member right now - and his list of things to do before we get it out is now very small.
Wow! Thank you for the responses guys! I really hope you make it big with this. I played a fair amount of RTS in my time, but this game is different!
Mad respect to all 3(?) of you guys.
Let me know if you folks would like any crazy experimental breakcore beats over a bonus level or something: Ants eating old PB and J's off the floor of an old disco bar... that should be the next level. Maybe you could fight with the roaches. Just an idea... Think weird locations for colonies that intersect with human drama or spectacle.
I love you guys, keep up the good work and let us know when freeplay is done!