Exploding ants

That would be a good add for the game but it would need to make an IA for the arachne (for that they don't attack a ant during that there is all the other around) and to know if this ants will make ally damage or no...
adding something to ask to the ants to make a formation (by exemple putting a distance between the ants would help in a fight) could be funny to.

Sorry for my bad english (I'm french)
Werber is a french author who have written a lot af books (including, the ant day) le jour des fourmis is one of the books of the trilogy of the ants these books are speaking about someone who have invented a machine to speak/interact with ants but a children accidentally create a notion of god, and then a conscience of herself to the ants, so one of the ants is going to lead a kind of movement of ants in a colony and they are going to lead a kind of crusade to the mens (they call us fingers). i don't tell you everything because maybe (and I hope) you'll read it and also because I don't want to have to traduct you all the book and that I don't know all the words ::)


I have the 3 books in my room but I can't read 2 and 3 because there is no English translation! I've tried everything to read it from trying to learn French (Threw Rosette Stone but it spams me with emails) to translate it with google. Minimal progress was made. I maybe should try a class but I'm afraid it will take a year or 2.


The word kamikaze actually means divine wind in Japanese, after a storm that destroyed a mongol invasion fleet targeting Japan. The dive bombers in WWII took on the the same name.