[Feedback] 0.221 Excavators extra level


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
I tried out the new extra level today:

Mechanics: Enemy tunneling seems to function as intended.

Difficulty: The level did not feel that difficult, I do think the amount of food on the map (including creatures) might be a bit much. This may be because of my strategy, as I tried to snowball as much as possible instead of trying to intercept the mole crickets.

Map Design: With my nest layout the uber mole cricket reached me before the last normal cricket did. The uber fight looked like it was intended to be a final bossfight. If that is the case, then it triggered a bit too soon.
There also is at least one food item that appears to be excavated while in a wall (visible food number) and there are a few food items that are buried inside walls instead of caverns.


Community Manager
Staff member
Community Manager
Triggering things soon is kinda the whole point of the map; I don't think there's a way of really controlling where the player digs so that they always get the uber last. It's up to the player to judge the threats and unlock them as they see fit.


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
One thing I felt was sort of missing is a real-time minimap indication of where the tunneling mole crickets are. It felt difficult to keep track of all tunnelers. The pinging lasts 2 or 3 seconds and repeats every 15 seconds, meaning the crickets aren't displayed most of the time.