formicarium challenge 3 ennemies not wanting to get in my colony

so I wanted to try my queen's hability so I managed to get almost all my ants to die but when that happened, the ennemy colony decided to head to my colony and as soon as they got to the holes in the ground that leads to my formicarium they decided to go back, therefor they were going back and forth uselessly, making the level impossible to loose


Community Manager
Staff member
Community Manager
Liam doesn't think this is an issue - he thinks this is the enemy colony deciding not to enter just yet. But this is the 2nd report of it so I'll bring it up again.


Staff member
Developer of EotU
I'm going to have another look at this. Even if its working properly, it sounds like its not acting too sensibly. The Enemy should eventually enter your colony but it knows how many ants you have and how much bank you have and it will only start a fight inside your nest if it's sure its going to win. It would rather starve you out and then attack.
it knows how many ants you have and how much bank you have and it will only start a fight inside your nest if it's sure its going to win
Well I'm pretty sure he didn't know how many ants I had as I was willing to try to take him on with only the 3 workers we start with at the rehousing without any food or dug tiles
It would rather starve you out and then attack.
That might be the problem, as I said I had neither food nor storage so they might have believed it was a good idea to let me starve to death ?


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
I have noticed too how the AI does not want to invade the nest in formicarium challenge 3. However, the scientist will quickly ramp up his effort to make you attack, eventually killing your queen. (Increasing enemy drops + slamming the glass, damaging all in your formicarium.)