Glitchy AI


Hello Guys! I have encountered an interesting AI bug that seems to make it so that Whenever my ants harvest food in a narrow corridor, they seem to not know where to put it and wander around in a 5 hex area before turning around and doing it again. this only occurs in free play from what i've seen. Thanks, and great game!


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Arct1k said:
Hello Guys! I have encountered an interesting AI bug that seems to make it so that Whenever my ants harvest food in a narrow corridor, they seem to not know where to put it and wander around in a 5 hex area before turning around and doing it again. this only occurs in free play from what i've seen. Thanks, and great game!

Thanks for the report. Seems like they're changing their mind of where they want to put the food and re-pathing.


Speaking of food, sometimes on freeplay my ants have problems picking it up. They just go in circles, like they're trying to get to the food but their turn radius is too large. After a few spins, they get it, but it's kinda weird.