Multiple Queens in the Underground


No, I am not talking about a multiple-queen colony, I am talking about a enemy nest starting out with you in the underground. It would be very interesting to find out how to kill the enemy colony and even watch them react to other critters. I was thinking this could be some sort of challenge mode, where the enemy queen spawns after your colony is established. To prevent you from preparing for this, the stone area should turn into a nest, maybe even having its own entrance.
Supporting this idea. Make a game mode where the underground map is bigger for example. 1 colony starts somewhere at the bottom, the other starts somewhere at the top. You can't see the enemy (no indications and fog of war). So whilst exploring the map for food or to create more space to place soldiers or workers. You can bump into the enemy at random. In there tunnels etc. etc. Would be a fun game mode! I support! :D


Extremely Helpful Person
I don't think it would be a very fun and interesting experience as an entire game mode based off of that. However it could possibly improve a free play or campaign level after hive bots are added. If there can be another enemy colony on the other side of the map, and then if you can start off facing another colony which inhabits your underground, that could lead to some fun ant battles.


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The way the game is designed we can't have multiple queens in the same underground. We are setting things up for multiple colonies with AI control but they won't occupy the same underground space. There are multiple reasons for this - the most pressing of which is probably path-finding distance (we can daisy-chain path-finding to a certain extent but things to tend to get less reliable the longer we go). There is a natural limit to the size we can make an individual underground, and we have to consider those with lower-spec hardware.

In the demo levels you do encounter enemy queens underground, and in 2.2 enemy queens attack you, but they're not "queens" from the perspective of the game's rules; they're just normal colony creatures given increased stats.