[Suggestion] More expensive infrastructure tile upgrades


Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
With the current version of the game it feels like there is no reason not to fully upgrade infrastructure tiles over building new ones.
(Building an extra lvl 1 food store gives +10 storage, upgrading a lvl 1 food storage gives +30 storage at the same cost of building a new one.)

It would make more sense for these upgrades to be more expensive, since they not only increase storage size, but also maintain storage compactness. (Less need to walk further to store food in the nest, as the nearby food stores are almost never full.)

For example, upgrading a lvl 1 food storage could cost 25 instead of 5 to give a choice: build lvl 1 food storages for better capacity (25/5 * 10 = 50), or upgrade one to lvl 2 for shorter walking distances (25/25 * 30 = 30)?


Currently I think it balances out how awful leveling up your actual units is, since most ants do not gain very significant bonuses to being upgraded.