Surface Entrance Path Option for FP


This very self-explanatory, I think there should be an option for there to be a clear path to the surface in free play mode. Also if you build walls they can be destroyed by enemies creatures quickly to prevent turtling, they primarily should be used if you miss clicked on a tile that ruins the whole aesthetic of your base!


I have a suggestion concerning the same topic, but going in a different direction.

I'd like freeplay mode to have a pretty large focus on the underground as well as the surface; therefore please can there be a few underground caves with a few underground critters be in the way of the entrance? People would have to develop their belowground before coming to the more dangerous surface.

I don't know how to reconcile this with nest invasions. Maybe not digging out the entrance puts invasions on hold until you dig to the surface?

Oh wait... every level we've had has a tunnel to the surface... maybe a cave at the end that leads to the surface entrance?


Yeah and with it marked with passive creatures with 1 adult DCH beetle at the end. Or maybe the tunnel goes right up to where the entrance cavern is and you have to dig it out, this could be marked with stone surrounding the edge of it.