Ultra-Nightmare Formicarium Challenges


This has been tested by me, all the way through. The main idea behind this is that you will start the Formicarium Challenges (On Insane) with very little set-up beforehand.

- No queen abilities
- No minor improvements
- You can gather food once the Challenge has started
- You can dig out as much space as you want beforehand

Formicarium Challenge I
- You can use the starting food, and an additional 410 food (not including food storage up to that amount)
- Collect, but do not spend, 410 more food before starting the Formicarium Challenge

Formicarium Challenge II
- No set up, spend any food you gathered during the last Challenge, but do not gather more!

Formicarium Challenge III

- Spend 1,970 food (not including food storage up to that amount)
- Gather additional 1,970 food, but do not spend it until Challenge has started!

I, myself, beat Challenge 3 on Insane with 19 black ants, 19 level 3 mortars, and 16 majors (with various levels).


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As per the rules of ultra-nightmare, if you fail once you have to delete your formicarium.


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Based on the Ultra-Nightmare mode from Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal (which are both masterpieces of FPS action, btw). It's a hardcore mode so if you die, that's the end of your campaign run. Obviously we don't have that as a game mode in EotU but if you truly were wanting to play an Ultra-Nightmare style game you should do the honourable thing and delete your save if you die.