Unknown crash/issues?

( i tried looking for other threads and issues similar to these and couldn't find any, if this pertains to another thread please point me in that direction)
So i have done just about everything i can think of to bypass these issues short of uninstalling and reinstalling, but what is happening is that none of my saved formicariums were opening. it didn't matter which one i selected or whether or not i closed the program and reopened it up. none of the save files would load. frustrated i deleted them and started a new formicarium. which worked and allows me to begin a new game. I then begin the New Home mission and complete it. when i get to victory screen with score and a button to "return to formicarium" my game locks up and will allow me to continue to interact and click the button but will not load back into to formicarium. i can no longer play the game past this level. i haven't tried to load into the other level. if there is anything i need to add to this to help you out please let me know....there are no reports generated within the crashes folder in EotU from this issue either.
Addition: i end up closing the game and starting the game again only to have the same issue with the save file begin again. unable to load the formicarium save file i just created.


Staff member
Developer of EotU
Had something similar before though not exactly the same, sounds like some corruption in the save files. At some point I do plan to revisit the save system and try and make things a bit more stable! Glad you got it sorted in the end!
thanks for the response....that is why i like games like this... fun games with good people working on them to respond to the questions...thanks for all the help! :D


Staff member
Developer of EotU
If this happens again please do send in your save files as it may highlight an issue I have not spotted with the system