What i envision/wish the finished game would look like.....


When Empires of the Undergrowth is complete, I would like to see...

As with the early access, a full range of micro-missions with various playable ant species.. All stages of the Formicarium... An in-game editor, where players can select map, threats, food/prey abundance, & end goal..

Most desired would be a large map, maybe a sandlot, woods, tidal creek, grass, & residential house.. In these areas there would be a plethora of threats/prey appropriate to each region.. Players can select starting areas... Also a bunch of random threats that can be devastating & occur, well randomly (selectable as challenges would be).. Once one region is conquered, the entire ant colony will escort the queen on the surface in a highly vulnerable march to a new region to re-establish.. Definitely a human dwelling, foot path or sidewalk to be crossed (extremely dangerous).. Can raid picnics, swarm in a house, etc.. All with big risks for big rewards... Say like the coming of Winter, the colony may need to attempt to establish inside of the walls of the house...

TONS of new creatures & prey! Predators & "unkillables" such as birds, mammals & humans... Creatures to include but not limited to..

Ant Lions
Other Spider species
Other crickets/grasshoppers
Other Beetle species
Other Ant species

What can anyone else add to this list or suggestions???


I think there should be 2 ant colonies and the person in the house is an ant keeper, so you have to win him over with killing roaches and mice for him to adopt your colony as his own. This is for a stable food supply and protection and safety of the many dangers of the house including his wife.
Redmoth27, on one hand, it sounds cool. Like an alternate version of the formicarium.
On the other hand, we already have a formicarium run by 2 scientists, so maybe adding it would be pointless.