X, Y and Z?


Right now this game operates in two dimensions, the ants and other creatures move around on the X and Y axis.
As we know, Ants love to climb as do many other insects.

So the Z axis awaits!

It would add another dimension (pun intended) if they could climb up blades of grass, logs, rocks etc to access food or to attack an enemy.

This could add another element of strategy, having to thinking about defending from above and looking in all directions for the next challenge.


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There are some reasons we've not done this - firstly graphically (it causes all sorts of issues with our setup), secondly for pathing reasons (we're already at the technical limit of pathfinding in Unreal Engine 4 as it stands).

Also - it would massively upset the balance and way the current levels are designed. Yes, in nature many species of ant can climb up practically anything, but in order for the game to behave like a game we have to impose restrictions on this.

This isn't to say there won't be climbing added later - but it would be specific objects, not a general feature.