Recent content by Planemaster

  1. Planemaster

    Game performance

    Also, does the game utilise multiple cores and if it does, how well does it use the extra resources?
  2. Planemaster

    Game performance

    Since playing freeplay, I've noticed that there is a rather steep performance decline after around 100 - 120 ants on my setup. Now, I know this is probably normal and my system does undercut the minimum requirements but I'm curious as to what everyone else gets. Here are my frames and setup...
  3. Planemaster

    Performance Problems

    Rendering shadows for each individual ant is going to be hugely resource intensive - especially with your GPU as it doesn't have the speed to process it. Most games don't go beyond 3GB of VRAM when playing at 1080p so it generally isn't the issue.
  4. Planemaster

    Okay, forget the last few hours! WE ARE RELEASING ON STEAM TODAY!

    Well, the only computer in my house that could play this game decides it’s not going to work anymore. Does anyone want to recommend some good footage of the game so far?
  5. Planemaster

    errors installing game

    CPU is over 10 years old so it may be something to do with that. Chances are that even if you got it to run, it wouldn't be playable in terms of performance.
  6. Planemaster


    If you want, I can get the server going (mainly cosmetic/aesthetic, roles, bots etc...) then hand the controls over to you or whatever.
  7. Planemaster


    We could have a channel there but i feel that EoTU deserves a whole server considering what sort of stuff there is here.
  8. Planemaster


    Basically what the title says, we should have a discord server for this game seeing as lots of other games do the same thing.
  9. Planemaster

    More Demo Levels

    Just keep working on the full game rather than releasing a new demo. I'm sure we can all wait a bit longer. Not every game has the opportunity of a demo level so keep that in mind.
  10. Planemaster

    Colony Rooms

    This is starting to sound like something out of XCOM 2...
  11. Planemaster

    Early Access - Why is there not a date yet? Beta / EA info

    I honestly wouldn't mind if I had to wait till next year for this. As long as it comes out well, that's good enough for me. Rushed games never end up well.
  12. Planemaster

    Couple of bugs (No pun intended, LOL)

    Did you assign the ants to the pheremone marker?
  13. Planemaster

    New Forum

    Well, I'm sure that when this game does become popular, it will become a lot more busy ;D
  14. Planemaster

    Newsletter: June 2017

    Hype intensifies...
  15. Planemaster

    Interesting enemy species

    No need to be nit picky. I can see what he means as there is only one spelling error. If it was in the form of text speech or it was clear no work went into checking it then sure. But there is just one spelling error. Doesn't change the quality of the forum.