Backers and Beta Backers


Beta Tester
Ecosystem Beta Tester
Honestly, it wasn't that bad - a few crashing issues aside (which I never encountered) the test client was in a very playable state and less buggy than pretty much all of the recent "triple aaaaai" titles (*cough* Call of Looty *cough* Assassin's Greed *cough cough cough* Star Wars Gamblefront *cough cough*).


Serafine said:
Honestly, it wasn't that bad - a few crashing issues aside (which I never encountered) the test client was in a very playable state and less buggy than pretty much all of the recent "triple aaaaai" titles (*cough* Call of Looty *cough* Assassin's Greed *cough cough cough* Star Wars Gamblefront *cough cough*).

Agreed, they suck. Triple a me bussum.

i am from germany. bought the game yesterday.

2. questions:

1. dont know what a backer is? Beta Tester? or what? pls inform me. thx
2. i think 1-2 yrs ago i spent some money for an ant game. maybe this is it. am i right?


Beta Tester
Ecosystem Beta Tester
1) A Backer is someone who backed the game on Kickstarter (or on during the last weeks).
2) There were other ant games on Kickstarter as well (like the canceled ant simulator), just look into your Kickstarter account, if you backed EotU it should be noted there somewhere.


I've created this account using the same email i used for kickstarter and I don't seem to have the badge.

Loving the game so far and looking forward to updates :) :) :)
After i check my emails i found an email from Dez the 1st of 2017 where i got an early access key.

it was in the spam folder so i havent seen it. but i bought the game yesterday. so i am a backer and i paid two times.

What shell i do now?
hi do I back the game?

I went to kickstarter and found support this project I clicked it and does that mean I am a backer or what?


Beta Tester
Ecosystem Beta Tester
You can't. The Kickstarter fundraising campaign is over.
Now you can now buy the Early Access version of the game directly through Steam.
hello guys i think i backed the game way back and see that its released on steam now and was wondering if there is a way to check my email to see if i backed the game and got a beta key ?


Community Manager
Staff member
Community Manager
SandMan said:
Just signed up on the forums, Could you check for mine as well please.


Found and updated. You'll now be able to see the beta forum - when we make major updates, we'll be asking you guys if you'd like to help test it before we release it to other players.