Bad balancing and the grind

what Kaien said was to put your ants near the queen. A bit intensive, but effective strategy is to have two armies. One to guard and the other to conquer.
Also regarding the mole crickets, they attack in a wave and then a single cricket after that, and then another wave etc. Advance in the map after the big wave, that way if your army is busy for the next attack, the queen will be taking less damage until your army gets there, and often random stragglers at your best can take care of them without even having to pull your army back.


@Redmoth I didn't have any by the queen besides the 7 workers I had at the start. Like i mentioned above every time dirt started too fall near any tiles I had. I knew they were coming and make a full retreat too base, generally half your trail ants will go to the trail end, 25% on the a-b region 25% around the queen derping (at least to my knowledge with larger numbers). But as soon as the dirt starts falling you got a good amount of time before they land, the announcer will let the dirt fall a bit before warning you so being ready and looking for it gives you ample time too retreat your main force back too the base.


Maximum difficulty
Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
1.1 I've beaten on insane. You just have to understand the upgrade system, and then the importance of reinforcements. I have a long path that the enemies go down, while I reinforce with some 1000 food (I stop at 15 lvl 3 soldiers, use speed tiles to max them if you position them poorly).

1.2 I've beaten on hard. You essentially just need to have a worker team to collect food between raids, otherwise the slavemakers get stronger faster than you do.

2.1 I've beaten on hard (using a mix of my worker strategies and Katherine of Sky's mortar/warrior setup). Warriors are never worth upgrading, as you get the most HP and delay with lvl 1s, while any damage increase is better invested in lvl 3 mortars. You want to have as many lvl 3 mortars as possible for N1 W3, N2 W3, N3 W1, and N3 W2, otherwise you will be unlikely to be able to kill the enemies fast enough to continue on (wolf spiders on N2 W3 and N3 W1 in particular will always kill you without mortars set up). D1 you want no-combat worker teams harvesting the lowest levels, moving up as the tide rises. D2 and D3 are the same, but with an army you should be going for the tiger beetles on the lower ground to open up more food sources (I have also seen contesting with the wood ants work well, so it's preference really). N1 you want to abuse the crabs low mobility to get everything on the topmost level via workers. If you need the underground food, open up the chambers and leave all combat units on the queen. This allows for better harvesting, and ensures you don't get caught in the wrong location. N2 your workers can harvest open underground chambers, and N3 you want all workers set to no-combat and ready to resupply. You can also cheese this by mortaring everything at the eastern spawn cave, as anything that would enter your nest will spawn there. If you keep your army on top of it you will force everything to clump for mortar fire.

2.2 This was quite difficult, but it's quite doable. You'd be tempted to use rapid fire to hit the ladybugs, as mortars miss a ton, but this will actually cause a guaranteed loss since the lower ground waves will become far too enormous to take on. Mortars are the best way to wipe the massive zergs you'll be facing if you camp the door to the nest, as this will force them to gather in a tight space. You want to have 2 defense teams by N2 so as to keep aphid populations high. You do not want to have ANY defense for the aphids during the day, as you will be needing to put everything into defense. D2, if you're careful, is the best time to start opening up the underground food caches, which you can harvest with a 3rd worker team during the nights. You want to have worker teams on the aphids at all times, harvesting honeydew during the day and devil's coach horses at night. The final night is impossible to hold with two separate teams, and the final day you get the lower ground ants rushing up to the aphids. Because of this, it's best to form one big group of all your soldiers to hold one side. Once crabs start spawning, you want to start slowly pulling in the enormous accumulation of enemies on the opposite side. With proper mortars, they will be easy to blow up quite rapidly, providing more than enough food to feed reinforcements the next day. The final day you will be low on food, so make sure not to spend too much on new ants. Make sure your worker teams are only outside at night if they're defended, as if they aren't they'd be better off inside collecting the food underground. During the day, the ladybugs don't eat aphids fast enough to be a real issue, so let the respawn rates handle themselves and focus on defense and opening up the underground. There are extremely useful beetle corpses behind the exit, which makes them perfect for starting off and getting worker teams and food storage established. Your defense teams should be set to no gather. This plays much the same as 2.1, so I'd highly recommend continuing to use a setup similar to that of KoS. Make sure you have enough workers underground as well. This mission is highly demanding of resource management skills, and you can expect that if you play well most of your wipes will be to all of your workers being either busy or dead at a time when you need to have constant reinforcements.

General notes: 2.X missions make the devil's coach horse adults much less threatening, and the larvae a joke, as your damage is immensely powercreeped by spitters, so don't be nearly as worried about them as you would be in the 1.X missions.
Redmoth27 said:
AntFked how do you beat the last room?
For beat the last room in insane, you must put the cricket mode, the crickets force you to grow fast but they produce an infinite amount of food, always attacking the weaker groups, even if the difference is one devil's coach horse, and if two are equal, choose the one with the most food, then , made 7 worker for 30 soldiers (always keep enough workers to rebuild your army, I lost a lot of times because of that) gennerally when I open the last zone, I have 90 soldier and 21 workers, make sure you do not be attacked by the crickets when you attack them and keep at least 200 food in your warehouses.