General Thoughts and Feedback

First of all, I just got this game and played nearly 13 hrs straight. There was a negligable pause of about 1.5hrs in between. This is a really fun game - I've been waiting for it since I played the ant simulator game from the 1990s.

The campaign challenges are difficult, but definitely beatable once you find out a strategy. Sadly, they get a bit repetitive due to lack of variety of challenges and species, but that's understanble for early access. Since this game is named "Undergrowth" and not "Ants", I'd like the ability to play also as Termites, both in campaign, free play, and multiplayer if that gets put in.

The control scheme of ants are great, though I would like the ability to set a custom path through waypoints when necessary. I would really love the ability to be able to move the queen, though I'd understand if I'd need workers to do that. I'd also like more control groups (up to 9 or 10?).

Ultimately, I'll have to wait and see what happens as this game develops but it's off to a great start.


I do think the enemies are well rounded and unique, each one having requiring different tactics to combat effectively. You're forced to keep your forces varied (or at least have a large amount)

I know you will add more enemies but here's a few suggestions:

1) Termites: the other insects who have various species and could make an effective arch-nemesis.
2) Humans: maybe you'll set up in the someone's backyard. Maybe you'll battle it out with termites over who gets Dad's old twin bed frame. I think humans would make an interesting environmental enemy that could force you to be careful and potentially help you wipe out your enemies if you put them in a bad position.
3) Wasps/Bees: If there's a mechanic somehow, where one could have one's ants climb trees and fence posts, this would be an interesting enemy to combat and take out. It would also allow for some aerial ants.
4) Caterpillar/Centipede: Self-explanatory, adds variety

I really hope this game has multiplayer. As it gets more depth, scope, and pop cap, I believe some really intense multiplayer games could come out. Here are some possible game modes:

1) Survival: you and (2, 3, or 4) other player(s) start on the low-ground and eventually have to work your way up to the nest up top to escape the rising tide. All players start on the same level, and have one to two buffer levels before they have no choice but to leave (you can adjust the difficulty and thereby detract from or add to the buffers). Newbie players could be given a handicap to start higher than experienced players. 'Sudden death' has everyone start on the same level, with no buffer, just a timer before players must move or perish. The first person to get their Queen settled in the top most nest wins. Here's a visual representation:

N = nest, A = Aphids, W = Water, B = Ground/Buffer


2) Free-for-all: Map size ranges from small to large. Everyone starts on the same level with varying levels of food strewn about. Last queen standing is the winning player.

Gotta go - more thoughts later.
